Any time you have a greenway developers and businesses look at that because it’s opportunities to grow and along Murrow Boulevard in District 2, we’re looking for that because we need businesses and we need to put our people to work. We truly believe once we get this phase in District 2, we’ll be able to put people to work. We’ll have businesses, mixed use of elements, we’ll have apartments, and then some retail along the bottom alongside. We truly believe it’s going to help us with our economy in District 2.
The population has increased tremendously, which is a good thing. It says a lot about Greensboro. People want to come here. It’s now a destination. Anytime you have anything that’s dealing with sustainability, green, walk-ability, pedestrian friendly, folks want to be a part of that and that’s what makes our community thrive.
When you look at greenways across the United States, they truly change the dynamic of any city and it creates opportunity for community to get around easily through thoroughfares. Leave your car at home. You’re able to walk, you’re able to bike, you’re able to become more community friendly to the environment and that’s a great thing.
The greenway is a great product that really connects us from the east side and west side and all the neighborhoods in between.
For me I’m a sustainable guy. I love walk-ability, pedestrian friendly communities and I truly believe that’s how we can really bridge the gap between our community, bring people together. The greenway, it’s an awesome thing. It’s one of the things that’s going to put Greensboro on the map and really bring more people to our community and that’s going to help us grow over the years. My commitment to it is 100% because I love it. The concept is great, and it’s what we need in Greensboro.