Impact: Accessibility Enhancements
The Downtown Greenway values active transportation and provides pedestrians and cyclists with equitable access and connections throughout downtown Greensboro and beyond.
Central Hub of the Greensboro Trails
The Downtown Greenway is the central hub in a vast network of trails and greenways throughout Greensboro. Connecting to Lake Daniel Greenway, Southeast Greenway, Latham Park, and beyond, walking and bicycling along the Downtown Greenway gives you access to miles of exploring. In addition to our local trails, the Downtown Greenway connects beyond to regional, statewide, and national trails including the Mountains to Sea Trail and the East Coast Greenway.

Bike Racks & Fix-It Stations
Amenities including bike racks and fix-it stations have been installed along the Downtown Greenway to increase safety and enjoyment of the trails. Bike racks provide a spot to store your bike while exploring nearby areas by foot. Bike-Fix-It Stations can make minor repairs or fill tires with air to ensure you get where you want to go.
Bike-Friendly Infrastructure
The construction of the Downtown Greenway included major transformations to the roadways, intersections, and vehicular traffic patterns in downtown Greensboro. These transformations were designed to increase safety for pedestrians and cyclists, ensuring safe and comfortable enjoyment of the trail for people of all ages. Additionally, where staircases are present to access the greenway, runnels have been installed to allow cyclists easy transportation of their bike up or down the stairs.

Pedestrian-Friendly Infrastructure
Accessibility for pedestrians is a key component of the Downtown Greenway and supports the City of Greensboro’s goal to become a car optional city, as stated in the GSO2040 comprehensive plan. Components of this project include improved crosswalks, enhanced lighting and landscaping, connectivity within and beyond downtown, and the use of Leading Pedestrian Intervals (LPI) at intersections. The greenway also provides ADA compliant features throughout the trail, including detectable warnings at street crossings and accessible parking at trailheads.