The Downtown Greenway is a public-private partnership between Action Greensboro and the City of Greensboro. With more than 3 open miles of paved walking and biking path encircling downtown Greensboro, the final mile is expected to be completed in late 2025.
More than 450 foundations, businesses and individuals have given generously to make the Downtown Greenway a reality, in addition to public funding from local, state and federal sources. Annual sponsors allow us to activate the Downtown Greenway and offer community programming.
To join our family of supporters and become part of the Downtown Greenway story, please consider making a donation today.
Downtown Greenway Donors
(As of September 1, 2024)
($5,000,000 and Above)

($1,500,000 to $4,999,999)

($500,000 to $1,499,999)

($250,000 to $499,999)
Brooks Family
Federal Transportation Grant Through U.S. Senator Kay Hagan’s Office
ITG Brands
($100,000 to $249,999)
Molly and Jeb Burns
Community Foundation of Greater Greensboro
Bonnie Caviness Kuester and Frank Landis Kuester
National Endowment for the Arts: Mayor’s Institute on City Design’s 25th Anniversary Initiative
Tannenbaum-Sternberger Foundation
($50,000 to $99,999)
- BB&T
- Bell Foundation
- Greensboro Bicentennial Commission
- Chandler Concrete Co. Inc.
- Barbara S. Cone and Herman Cone Jr. Family
- NC Health & Wellness Trust Fund-Fit Community
- Anne and Sam Hummel
- Kathryn and Bobby Long
- Piedmont Natural Gas Foundation
- Wells Fargo
($25,000 to $49,999)
- Anonymous
- Mary Katherine and Durant Bell
- Gail Boulton
- Nancy* and Trip Brown
- Joseph M. Bryan, Jr.
- Marc and Janis Bush
- Dawn S. Chaney Foundation
- Lindsey & Frank Auman, Melissa & Seth Coker, Karen & Bob Isner, and Milton Kern
- Cone Mills Charitable Fund
- Duke Energy Foundation
- Ellison Foundation
- First Bank
- Greensboro Grasshoppers
- Guilford Merchants Association/FirstPoint Foundation Fund
- The Hagan Family
- Mike and Lynn Haley / The Michael W. Haley Foundation, Inc.
- Hillsdale Fund
- Leslie and & Robert Ketner
- Rene and Larry Lawrence
- Rotary Club of Greensboro Estb 1917
- Schell Bray PLLC
- Well Spring Retirement Community
($10,000 to $24,999)
- American Express
- ArtsGreensboro
- Bank of America
- Sylvia and Mike* Berkelhammer
- Margaret and Bill Benjamin
- Liz and Bill* Blackwell
- Cooper Brantley
- Nancy and Frank Brenner
- Burlington Industries/Cone Denim
- Dorothy Wilson Chappell
- Charles Aris, Inc
- Clem and Hayes* Clement
- College Hill Sundries
- Nancy and Chuck Cornelio
- William H. and Joanne B. Craft Family
- Greener Grass LLC
- Greensboro Downtown Residents’ Association
- Holt Gwyn* and Beth Boulton
- The Hassenfelt Family
- Barbara Kretzer*
- Family of Catherine and Henry Levinson
- Jane and Richard Levy
- Barbara A. Lusk
- John and Barbara McLendon Family Foundation
- Kenneth D. Miller
- News & Record
- Donna and Bob Newton
- The North Carolina Arts Council
- Rails to Trails Conservancy
- The Scott & Dianne Roe Foundation
- Dabney and Walker Sanders
- Southeast Fuels, Inc.
- Pam and David Sprinkle
- William A. Stern Foundation
- Alvin and Fanny B. Thalheimer Foundation, Inc.
- UNCG Excellence Foundation
- United Guaranty
- Sarah and Jack* Warmath
- Jacalyn and Brantley White
- Judy and Len White
- Susan and Eric Wiseman
- Rock 92/107.5KZL
($2,500 to $9,999)
- Action Greensboro Advisory Group in honor of Cecelia Thompson & Chris Wilson
- Jamison M. Alston & the Alston Family
- American National Bank & Trust Company
- Bernard Robinson & Company, LLP
- Sandra and W.C. “Bud” Boren
- Mary Gay and Don Brady*
- Brady Trane Services
- Brooks, Pierce, McLendon, Humphrey, & Leonard LLP
- Mary and Eric* Calhoun
- Linda and Jim Carlisle
- Marjorie T. Coleman and William R. Coleman
- Janet and David Craft
- Kathy and Daniel Craft
- Shannon and Stephen Dahlstedt
- Mary Carol and Pat Danahy
- Luck Davidson
- Trace and Randy Dipner
- Downtown Greensboro Inc.
- Pam and Alan Duncan
- Greensboro Garden Club
- Greensboro Jaycees
- Greensboro Chamber of Commerce
- Elaine and John Griffin
- Marty and Porter Halyburton
- Beth and Ed Harrington
- Berkeley and George* Harris
- Hawthorne Residential Partners
- Hayden-Harman Foundation
- Corinne and Kevin Jones
- Lorin and Mark Kaley
- Randall Kaplan and Kathy Manning
- Rosemary and Jay Kenerly
- Courtney and Rob Kidwell
- The Klee Family
- Carter and William Leinster
- Dr. Joseph E. Levinson
- Ginni and Al Lineberry
- Little Gate Garden Club
- Ellen and Lee Lloyd
- Misty McCall
- Machete
- Kim and John Martin
- Sandy and Frank* Mascia
- Todd, Tammy, and McKiran* McElroy
- Cheryl and Chuck McQueary
- Laura C. Meagher and Donald G. Wolcott
- Susan and Jim Melvin
- Jake and Marge Michel*/The Michel Family Foundation, Inc.
- Peg and Skip Moore
- W. Christopher and Robyn Musselwhite
- NC Unit of the Herb Society of America
- William V. Nutt, Jr. Family
- Oral Surgery Institute of the Carolina Foundations
- Cissy and Bill* Parham
- Barbara and Jeff Peck
- Mary and Bob Plybon
- Mary Norris Preyer Fund
- Probity Products/Larry and Rene Lawrence
- Nancy and Charles Reid
- Richardson Properties LLC
- Susan and Jerry Schwartz
- Serendipity Garden Club
- Pat and Bob Sevier
- Susan and Brad Shumaker
- Linda and Tom Sloan
- Carole and John Snider
- Flo Snider*
- Snider Fleet Solutions, Inc.
- Julie and Tom Taylor
- Taylor & Associates Appraisers
- The Historic Magnolia House
- Martha and Harrison Turner
- Comer and Ralph Wear
- Westerwood Tavern
- Lauren and David Worth
- Ann and Benjamin Zuraw
($1,000 to $2,499)
- A-Z Development
- Linda Allgood
- B. Christopher’s
- Caroline and Jimmy Barber
- Jon Bell
- Lisa and Willie Bullock
- Myrna Carlock
- Debra Champagne
- Martha and John Chandler
- Alan and Sally Cone*
- Crafted-The Art of Street Food
- Brian Crean
- Candace and Roger Cummings
- Fran and Bert Davis
- Betty and Larry* Day
- Dynamic Quest
- Egerton Family Foundation
- First Citizens Bank
- First Community Development
- Lou Anne Flanders-Stec and Robert Stec
- Peggy and Marion* Follin
- Sarah Gilley
- Greensboro Beautiful Inc.
- Ginger and Haynes Griffin
- William E. Hall, Jr.
- April and Jay Harris
- Deborah and Jim Hooper
- Morgan and Jack Horner
- Alicia and David Irvin
- Dina and Burney Jennings
- Emily and Ed Kitchen
- Joretta and Bob Klepfer
- Koury Corporation
- The Kretzer Parks Foundation
- Lazy Daisies Garden Club
- Molly Levinson and Josh Wachs, Henry, Louisa, and Olivia Wachs
- Laura Lorenz
- Elizabeth Lusk
- Lawrence B. and Claire K. Morse Fund
- NCA&T University Foundation
- Susan and Ted Oliver
- Jane and Lloyd* Peterson
- Libby and Rick Ramsey
- Carolynn and Tim Rice
- Maria and John Rich
- Ann and Russ Robinson
- Beverley and Bill* Rogers
- Sarah, Matthew, Alexandra and George Rothman
- Mac Sims
- 1618 Downtown
- Angie Smits and Russ Clegg
- Joan and Doug Stone
- Susan and Tom Storrs
- Martha and Tom Stukes
- SunTrust Bank
- Ellen and Gary Taft
- Melissa and Adam Tarleton
- Priscilla P. Taylor*
- Camille and Murphy Townsend
- Triad Business Bank
- Tom Tryforos
- Undercurrent
- Lauren and David Worth
($500 to $999)
- Barbara Boulton
- Suejette and David Brown
- Nancy and Jim Bryan
- Jennifer and John Cross
- Dogwood Garden Club
- Nancy Doll
- Euliss Propane Company
- Elizabeth B. Farmer
- Fleur De Lis Garden Club
- Mr. and Mrs. Erwin Fuller
- Hanes Lineberry
- Jeanne Hassell*
- Eloise and Robby Hassell
- Tobee and Leonard Kaplan*
- Jessica and Andrew Ketner
- Milly and Charles King
- Pam and Chuck Koob
- Liza and Jim Lee
- Marty and Dave Leeper
- Judy and Dan* McGinn
- Natty Greene’s
- Shirley and Gary Nixon
- North Carolina Wildlife Federation
- Sandy and Paul Reiser
- Senn Dunn Insurance
- Smith Street Diner
- Dallas and Chris Stanley
- St. James Properties, LLC
- Stubbs Mobile Physical Therapy
- Cecelia Thompson
- Susan and Mark Van Dorn
- Harvey and Bob Weinstein
- Jeff Yetter
($100 to $499)
- Melanie Albright
- Debbie Allen and Tony Jarrett
- Louis Allen
- Marilyn Anderson
- Anonymous
- David Arnecke
- John R. and Lee M. Atkinson
- Christine and Stephen Baker
- Luke Bierman
- Joanne and Arthur Bluethenthal*
- Boulton Creative
- Mary Kate Brady and Danny Farley
- Joseph M. Brantley
- Nancy and David Bray
- Jane Allen Burnett
- Mary Jane and Harold Bynum
- Ken Caneva
- Carolina Butterfly Society
- Molly and Henry* Carrison
- Helen Carson
- Joann and William Cassell
- Tracie Catlett
- Children’s Home Society
- Sue Cole
- Betty and Ben* Cone, Jr
- Sally and Bob* Cone
- Pat Copeland
- Jen and Chris Danford
- Linda and Steve Danford
- Carol and Ben Davis
- Horace and Jean Denny
- Stephan Diamond and Unice B. Lieberman
- Mary Kay Digby
- Joan Dressler
- John E. Dubel Jr.
- Christopher Duffey
- Connie Dupree and Pam Frye
- Alice* and David Ellis
- Kim Ehrhart
- 42 West
- Phil Fleischmann
- Janet Frommann
- Sam Funchess
- Maina and Tim Geraghty
- Ghassan’s at LeBauer Park
- Patti and Douglass Gilbert
- Debby Goldberg
- Greensboro Radiology
- Grey’s Tavern
- Guilford Horticulture Society
- Dr. and Mrs. David Gutterman
- Michelle Haaf-Seifert
- Mary and David Hagan
- Jessica and John-Fletcher Halyburton
- Eloise and Robby Hasseool
- Miriam and Tom Herin
- Katie C. Houston
- Martha James-Hughes & Bryan Hughes
- Judith Hyman
- Kathe and Robert Jervis
- Terri Jones
- Joymongers Brewing Company
- Junior Dogwood Garden Club
- Andrew Juska
- Margaret and Robert Kantlehner
- Doris and David Kaplan
- Ginger and Ken Karb
- Milton Kern
- Andrew F. Kim
- Jane and Jim Kirkpatrick
- LaRue Elm
- Dale and Malcolm Lanier
- The Gail and Gene LeBauer Family Fund
- David Leeper
- Carole and Seymour* Levin
- Mr. and Mrs. F. B. Lineweaver
- Little Gate Garden Club
- Dawn and Paul Long
- Cathy and Bob Lovejoy
- Dan Lovell
- Barbara and Fred Lupton
- M’Coul’s Public House
- William Mangum
- Nancy R. May
- Erin McAlister
- Daniel McAlister*
- Trude and Tom McCarty
- John McLendon
- Trey Miller
- Kelly Mullens and Tim Brown
- Maureen and Doug Murray
- New Garden Friends Meeting/Louetta Knight Gilbert Circle
- New Irving Park Garden Club
- North Carolina Native Plant Society
- Hollis and Nick Oberlies
- Mona O’Bryant
- Rachel Percival
- David H. Perrin and Provost’s Staff at UNCG
- Piedmont Bird Club
- Paula Pierce
- Virginia and Peter Popovich
- Dede Potter
- Eleanor Procton
- Marlene R. Pratto
- Jeffrey Randall
- Nancy Randall
- Shirley and Collin Randall
- Sue Ransohoff
- Bob Rapp
- Kim and Mike Richey
- Kari, David, Darren and Alexa Robbins
- Ila Rosenthal
- Joyce Ross
- Dr. Ruth G. Rothman
- Jodee Ruppell and Christian Wilson
- Bradford Sanders
- Katherine and Nicholas Scharlatt
- David Schoenberg
- Brian Schoonover
- Maury Schott
- Genie and Maurice Schwartz
- Scott-Wagner Group at Morgan Stanley
- Sara Serlen
- Barry, Ilene, and Jessica Silverman
- Betsy, Paul, PG, Jo, Curtis, and Tiernan Sittenfeld
- Elizabeth C. Sittenfeld and Matthew Carlson
- Al Skrepcinski
- Polly and Buzz Strasser
- Virginia Summerell
- Cynthia Swartz and Alan Abramson
- Table 16
- Elaine Talbert
- Ellen and Sigmund Tannenbaum
- Kate and Tim Tobey
- Rebecca Tolmach
- Ronald Tucceri
- Roxy Ulstem
- Teresa Vilmain
- Katrin Wachs
- Judith and Tom Wasow
- Wednesday Afternoon Book Club
- Wednesday Lecture Club
- Wednesday Morning Book Club
- Marianne and Phil Weihl
- Suzanne Wilcox
- Gail Williams
- Hugh Williams
- Barbara and Jim* Williams
- Lea Anne and Bob Williams
- Helen Wood
- Erica and David Worth
(Up to $99)
- Denise N. Baker
- Nancy Balderacchi
- Nan* and John Bayersdorfer
- Gail and Steve Bernstein
- Blue Denim
- Randy and Peter Bloch
- Bonne Terre Garden Club
- Daisy Brownstein
- Café Europa
- Jane Grace and Robert Cannon
- Marilyn and Robert Chandler
- Sally, John, Katie, and Lilly Cohen
- Rod Cooper*
- Chris Clemmons
- Dixie Culver
- Jean and Horace Denny
- Larry Diana
- Susan L. Dowtin
- Laura & Bernd Druebbisch
- Jack Dubel
- Martha Dubose
- Tanya and Bret Evenson
- Joanne and Bill Evers
- Michael Fangman
- Emily Feingold
- Lisa and Buzzah Feingold
- Scott Feinstein
- Joyce Ferguson
- Janis and Andy Fields
- Beth Fischer
- Lea Frederick
- Marion Gamble
- Marianne Ganley
- Lisa Gilgeours
- Mary and John Gilman
- Darlyne and David Gilmartin
- Gramercy Park Women’s Club
- Green Thumb Garden Club
- Renee and Daniel Garfinkel
- Ann and Andrew Greenhill
- Nancy and Bernard Gutterman
- Edward Hannan
- Nancy Hoffmann
- Gayle and John Houk
- Anne Hurd
- and Mrs. Freddy Johnson
- Spoma Jovanovic & Lewis Pitts
- Lauren Joyner
- Irene and Edward Kaplan
- Kirkwood Garden Club
- Rebecca Klossner
- LBD Properties
- Merrianne and Alan Leff
- Alison Lehrer
- Liberty Oak
- Annabel Link
- Karen Lippy
- Kathleen and Dean Little
- Barbara Lupton
- Manny’s Universal Café
- Ann McIver*
- Lindsay and Stuart McLean
- Ken McLeod
- Edward M. Miller
- Bunny and David Moff
- Kate Mooney
- Jan and Chuck Mortimore
- Margaret Munster
- New Irving Park Garden Club
- Nancy and Buzzy Neusteter
- Robert and Emily Nudelman
- Toula* and John Oberlies
- Debby and Murray Passo
- Dee and Seldon Patty
- Jackie and Edwin Pearce
- Pine Needles Garden Club
- Judy R. Piper
- Louise Monroe Pod
- and Mrs. Prevatt Jr.
- John Robinson
- Richard Rosen
- Barbara Ruby
- Jennifer Sadock and Steven Friedland
- Beatrice O. Schall
- Deborah Schandler
- Ann and Irving Schoenberg
- Cynthia P. Scott
- Scuppernong Books
- Senior Dogwood Garden Club
- Donna and Mark Shapiro
- Barby Sidon
- Traci and Mike Sidon
- Sharna and Andrew Sloan
- Janie Silvers
- Barbara and Arthur Sohn
- Tuisha Stack
- Myra and Dave Stang
- Jason Stone
- Veronica Sullivan
- The Table on Elm
- Tarheel Garden Club
- Barbara and Stuart Teichman
- Yvette and Randy Trachtenberg
- Tuesday Study Club
- Melanie Tuttle
- David A. Vaughan
- Ashley Wall
- Scott Warwick
- Wedgewood Garden Club
- Wednesday Study Club
- Shelly and Frank Weiner
- Randall Weiss
- Karen and Tom White
- Stephen J. Whitfield
- Ann W. and Peter Williams
- Melissa and Ed Wolverton
- Richard Zweigenhaft
Annual Program Sponsors
(for 2024)
Silver Level
Bronze Level
Please reach out if interested in learning more about Downtown Greenway Annual Sponsorship opportunities.